MindAffect is specialized in the application of brain computer interface, artificial intelligence and neuroscience to unlock the mysteries of the brain!
Our unique patented BCI/AI system interprets a patient's brain response to stimuli at a significantly enhanced speed to enable accurate, rapid and objective hearing/vision testing for all patient groups.

Sofi® Hearing Diagnostic System
The Sofi® hearing diagnostic system is objective, fast, accurate, comfortable and easy-to-use. The patient is fitted with our 8-channel headband, listens to soft chirps and watches a silent video (of their choice) for <10 minutes. The full audiometric threshold results are produced automatically at the end of the test. The Sofi® combines an air conduction and bone conduction audiometric threshold tests for a full audiometric diagnostic test.
The Problem
Unaddressed Hearing Impairments lead to earlier onset of dementia, social isolation and sub-optimal educational development which cost more than $1 trillion in education, societal and care costs. Over 2 billion hard-to-test patients: children, disabled and the elderly are excluded from a system that still requires a consistent patient response to receive the correct treatment.
Our Solution
The Sofi® is powered by Rapid-CAEP® (cortical auditory evoked potential) which is based upon our patented BCI/AI technology with a pseudorandom probe sequence designed to acquire electroencephalography (EEG) data for hearing threshold estimation.

Our KinderCap is designed to test pre-school children for hearing and visual impairments in one simple, fast and easy-to-use objective test. Our unique stimulus coding and decoding technology enables us to combine auditory and visual stimuli to produce the child's hearing/vision results within 10 minutes. Eliminating guesswork and uncertainty are critical for earlier diagnosis and treatment.
The Problem
More than 15% of all pre-school children suffer from hearing and visual impairments - correct treatment and designing the appropriate development pathway is vital for their future. Children with other disabilities suffer disproportionally from hearing and visual impairments which have an even lower chance of discovery and treatment. In addition, easily solvable hearing and visual impairment can be confused with other diagnoses including Autism, dyslexia and ADHD.
Our history
Radboud University, Donders Institute:
Prof. Peter Desain inspired a team of neuroscientists to develop a breakthrough in Brain Computer Interface (“BCI”) technology to allow for communication solely based upon brain function.
Recipient of ALS prize for Life, successful proven communication prototype and multiple patents provided the foundation for the BCI/AI technology.
Inspired by their success, the team was spun out of Radboud into MindAffect with NLC, the Leading HeathTech Venture Builder in the Netherlands.
2021 and Beyond
Expertise in the area of brain response analysis allowed us to develop further applications in the area of hearing and vision diagnostics. Our goal is to bring these unique and essential objective diagnostic tests to the market to support the hard-to-test patient population of two billion.